Monday, February 25, 2013

Social Networking

The world has boiled down to social networking. Web 2.0 myspace and facebook have become the main stream for keeping up with friends. Facebook is a huge part of social networking. Linkedin has become the main source for professionals and networking within the business world. Youtube has also been a huge way for people to express themselves through video.

Wikipedia has also been a way of social media where people can change the history. This has made wikipedia a huge source for many people but has lost credibility because anybody can change it. My friend Alex when looking at college of charleston athletics says he coached the national champion track team. If anyone knows College of Charleston they know that is not the case.

Calendar Web Service

As I continue to get incredibly busy, I have learned that using a google calendar has definitely kept me organized and on task. It has been a great help to me and I love that I can connect everything from my computer, to my phone, to my email. I can get reminders about everything. I use my google one on my phone and get emails and alarms that make it possible to keep myself on a strict schedule. I don't use this for school work yet, I only use it for work purposes so I can plan ahead my work schedule and I keep my school work in my planner.

Storage storage storage

When your in college and you get in a bind secondary storage is crucial. You must always have a back up and sometimes we learn that the hard way when it is the last second and we lose an entire project we have been working on for days. Secondary Storage is used to store data more permanently without the need for electricity. There are different types of storage, there is magnetic, optical and solid state storage. System storage is storage that is used by a computer system for standard operations like RAM, Cache, etc. Magnetic storage is hard disk drives, magnetic tape, floppy disks. Solid state storage which is a flash memory card

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The world of computers.

It's amazing how much computers have advanced since I have been in school. I remember going to computer class and saving things on a floppy disk. You don't even see floppy disks anymore and you almost always see flash drives and even now saving things on the internet. The only games I could play were educational games like Freddi the fish.

Today we have Iphones that sync everything on our computer to our phone, so it makes getting music and videos easily. Also if you don't want a print out for flights, boarding passes are made easy with apps that you can get on your iphone so you don't have to use any paper.

My favorite things on flights are the kiosks at the airport. Although it doesn't give you more customer and human contact it is definitely much more efficient and have become great for airports.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Backing up your system and being aware of hackers!

Hackers are a dangerous thing and I must say I have been a victim of hacking and have also hacked someone's email myself. I was angry at an old boyfriend and he had the simplest password in the world for his email account. In class the teacher discussed using complicated passwords and how one email can link to many different passwords for other things. Well I decided I would change all of his passwords for all of his things that were linked to his account.

I taught him a lesson in email protection and basically saved his life from getting his identity stolen so easily. Also when your putting in security questions you need to make sure its not something that the whole world knows.or could find out easily

A useful product I use to make sure I back up the files necessary is DropBox. You never know when your computer is going to crash and you definitely don't want it to be when you need a file the mos

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System Maintnence

In a world where technology is constantly changing system maintenance is something I always have to keep doing. Apple has recently annoyed me because when I bought my laptop it was a MAC OS X 10.5 leopard. Now apple has come out with Snow leopard and Mountain lion so my Iphone no longer can sync to my itunes because I don't have this new software that at times cost a pretty penny to upgrade and being a poor college student is not something I can afford to update my whole system to a 10.6

Installing the new updates on the computer also take quite a while and require your computer to be plugged in at all times. I understand it is helping my laptop but at the same time it is taking up a lot of space to constantly upload the newest adobe flash player and java script every two months

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Check out this Calculus fourth edition book on craigslist!! Only $40.00!!!!!